@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

1.11.10 2020-06-30 #
  • immediately apply a navigation shortcut command changes after edit. Now administrator do not need to reload full UI after shortcut editing.
  • UGrid provides maxWidth(in px) to child UFormRow's
  • UTable prop getCellClass to get class name for each cell in table instead header cell's
1.11.6 2020-06-09 #
  • new method lookups.getDescriptionById - fast O(1) lookup of description attribute value using ID as a key
1.11.5 2020-06-02 #
  • UGrid: new props labelWidth and labelPosition to provide width and position to a child UFormRow's. The same as in UFormContainer. This allows changing label position & width for individual UGrig blocks.
  • helper css class .u-table_border which adds border to UTable, UTableEntity or UMasterDetailView. Usage: <u-table-entity entity-name="uba_user" class="u-table_border"/>

Changed #

1.11.10 2020-06-30 #
  • UButton: font size is decreased for all button sizes. For example medium (default) button font size now 14 (instead of 16)
  • UTable prop getColumnClass optimized. Calls just one time for each column.
1.11.9 2020-06-24 #
  • auth view: UBAuthForgotPassword link removed (not implemented yet)
  • Signature Verification Result form improvements:
    • different icons for digital stamp and digital signature
    • empty fields are hidden
    • 4-th column contains either subject name or stamp name or organization name depending on certificate type
1.11.7 2020-06-14 #
  • BREAKING UTableEntity: action fetchItems no more throttling and returns promise as expeched. This may be important in case fetchItems is called from scoped slots.
1.11.6 2020-06-09 #
  • USelectEntity use css variables --hs-text, --l-text-default for text color in dropdown options
  • ElInput use css variables --hs-text, --l-text-default for text color
  • lookups improve performance of lookup getter (lookups.get) in case lookup attribute is ID (as in most case)
1.11.5 2020-06-02 #
  • UTableEntity: pagination now hidden in case only one data page available

Fixed #

1.11.10 2020-06-30 #
  • UDatePicker of type daterange use date/datetime format for logged in user locale
  • UGrid inherits labelWidth, labelPosition and labelPosition from parent:
     <u-form-container :label-width="200">
      <u-grid> <!-- in previous version UGrid didn't inherits parent u-form-container label-width -->
  • UFormContainer inherits parent UFormContainer props
     <u-form-container :label-width="200">
      <u-form-container> <!-- in previous version UFormContainer don't inherits parent label-width -->
1.11.9 2020-06-24 #
  • USelectEntity: disable "Add new" in select popup in case user do not have rights for addnew method (unity for example)
  • command "et -c theme/ub-el.scss -o _el-theme" TEMPORARY removed from build:el package.json task. It can't be used with node12 because use gulp version (3.x). So temporary adminui-vue can be compiled only on node11 and command:
npr run  build:el-node11

MUST be executed once before npm build

1.11.8 2020-06-21 #
  • CERT2 authentication: in case uiSettings.adminUI.authenticationCert block is missed in ubConfig login UI consider authenticationCert.requireUserName is false and do not ask for user name/password, only for key and password for key
  • UTableEntity: error r is not iterable. In case form did not generate local changes - the grid has just been refreshed
  • UTableEntity: sorting in table view now works (broke by 1.11.7)
1.11.7 2020-06-14 #
  • UTableEntity refresh grid data on any local update in form
  • UTableEntity fix missed loader appears for Tables without lookups during read/refresh data
  • UTableEntity compute correct label for filter on attribute of type Entity
1.11.5 2020-06-02 #
  • UTableEntity: date range filtering fixed
  • UDatePicker: prevent override of type property (before this type always === date)

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.13.22 2020-06-30 #
  • UB.core.UBStoreManager.updateNavshortcutCacheForItem method to refresh a nav-shortcut command cache for specific item

Changed #

5.13.17 2020-06-14 #
  • if uiSettings.adminUI.useVueTables is empty or false in ubConfig then "Select from the dictionary" action of ExtJS based UBComboBox will show ExtJS based dictionary

Fixed #

5.13.17 2020-06-14 #
  • UBComboBox: prevent a monkeyRequestsDetected error in case 2 combobox are on the same form with the same filters

@unitybase/base #

Changed #

5.2.11 2020-06-30 #
  • -p parameter for argv.establishConnectionFromCmdLineAttributes marked as non-required to allow connecting under root without a password. For non-root users -p must be passed as before.

Fixed #

5.2.11 2020-06-30 #
  • csv parser parse negative numbers to float (before this patch it returns negative numbers as strings)
5.2.10 2020-06-14 #
  • SyncConnection: prevent sending of second /auth request for UBIP authentication schema

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Fixed #

5.3.0 2020-06-15 #
  • FileSystem BLOB store - fix incorrect folder names for Monthly & Daily
    • month numeration now starts from 01 (instead 00)
    • day folder name generated as "day of month" (01, 02, .., 31) instead a "day of week" (01, 02, .., 07)

@unitybase/cdn #

Changed #

5.4.18 2020-06-30 #
  • ub-migrate _data formats.js changed to use export function

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Added #

5.4.0 2020-06-14 #
  • for server-side UBEntity a mixins list include rls and audit mixin definition if they defined for entity. Both rls and audit are hidden from client side for security reason. Before this patch rls and audit were unavailable even to the server side UBDomain.

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.5.13 2020-06-24 #
  • SignatureValidationResult class extended by certificate.isDigitalStamp and organization.digitalStampName attributes
5.5.12 2020-06-14 #
  • ub-pub exports a xhr.allowRequestReiteration method - prevent a monkeyRequestsDetected error for a next query. Example:
 UB.xhr.allowRequestReiteration() // prevent a monkeyRequestsDetected for qury below in case 2 combobox are on the same form with the same filters
   entity: me.getEntity(),
   fieldList: store.ubRequest.fieldList,
   __allowSelectSafeDeleted: true,
   ID: id

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.5.0 2020-06-14 #
  • App.launchRLS - a JS based RLS mixin helper for UB@5.18.4
  • RLS.allowForAdminOwnerAndAdmTable a functional RLS for filtering rows by ${entity}_adm subtable. To be used instead of "expression based RLS": ${$.currentUserInGroup(ubm_navshortcut,'Admin')} OR ${$.currentUserOrUserGroupInAdmSubtable(ubm_navshortcut)}. See ubm_navshortcut for usage sample.
  • rls.func property added to entity.schema.json

Fixed #

5.5.4 2020-06-30 #
  • RLS.allowForAdminOwnerAndAdmTable fixed to allow for users with role Admin to see all folders
5.5.2 2020-06-15 #
  • fix getUniqKey is not a function during login (ubm_navshortcut RLS)

@unitybase/ubcli #

Changed #

5.5.13 2020-06-09 #
  • linkStatic command now does not start ub server and does not require user and password command line parameters anymore, but still requires ubConfig.json file.

Fixed #

5.5.14 2020-06-14 #
  • ubcli initialize command: added missed / in file path inside error message "File ... does not export function"

@unitybase/ubm #

Changed #

5.4.0 2020-06-30 #
  • ub-migrate _data formats.js changed to use export function
5.3.13 2020-06-14 #
  • ubm_desktop & ubm_navshortcut now use a "functional RLS" (require UB@5.18.4)

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.3.17 2020-06-30 #
  • ub-migrate command data. Execution of ub-migrate now apply a ubq model changes for project

Changed #

5.3.17 2020-06-30 #
  • UBQ model initialization rewritten from scripts to ub-migrate

@unitybase/ubs #

Fixed #

5.4.6 2020-06-24 #
  • report template rendering: in case format function is called inside CONDITION block over primitive (number/string/Date) value first argument is ignored. This allows rendering blocks like this (all 3 line below is the same in case dateObj.dInner is of Date type:
{{#dateObj.dInner}}Terms: {{#$f}}"dateObj.dInner","dateTime"{{/$f}}{{/dateObj.dInner}}
{{#dateObj.dInner}}Terms: {{#$f}}"IGNORED AND CAN BE EMPTY","dateTime"{{/$f}}{{/dateObj.dInner}}
{{#dateObj.dInner}}Terms: {{#$f}}"","dateTime"{{/$f}}{{/dateObj.dInner}}
5.4.2 2020-06-14 #
  • ubs_messages.addUserFilters method is use UBQLv2 syntax for parameters (no functional changes)