@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

4.2.29 2017-09-14 #
  • new BasePanel.postOnlySimpleAttributes property

    If true form will post only values of modified attributes which do not contain a dot.

    Exapmle: in case def is

      { attributeName: "nullDict_ID"},
      { attributeName: "nullDict_ID.code", readOnly: true},
      { attributeName: "nullDict_ID.caption", readOnly: true}

    Values of nullDict_ID.code & nullDict_ID.caption will not be send to update/insert execParams

Changed #

4.2.29 2017-09-14 #
  • Not-null attributes in the form builder now displayed as bold
  • showForm command will use a ubm_form.caption as a form caption (instead of description as in prev. version)

@unitybase/base #

Added #

4.2.20 2017-09-22 #
  • UBDoman iterator callbacks described as @callback for better code insight

Fixed #

4.2.17 2017-09-13 #
  • prevent ORA-00932 error - in case Repository.where(attr, 'in', undefined) -> replace it by (0=1) SQL statement

@unitybase/org #

Added #

4.0.37 2017-09-21 #
  • org_ograccount entity for storing bank's accounts for our organizations

@unitybase/pdf #

Fixed #

1.1.22 2017-09-14 #
  • module PDF: Module throw error when html contains ΒΌ

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

4.4.6 2017-09-04 #
  • ub-pub now export a UBCache class, so instead of
UBCache = require('@unitybase/ub-pub/UBCache')

better use a

UBCache = require('@unitybase/ub-pub').UBCache

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

1.0.36 2017-09-12 #
  • maximum database identifier length (table/constraint names etc) now depend on dialect. 30 for oracle, 116 for SQL Server

@unitybase/ubm #

Added #

4.0.39 2017-09-14 #
  • useful code snippets added to a form builder for def and js parts
4.0.36 2017-09-06 #
  • new shortcut form now contains a comment about code snippet usage
  • showReport code snippet added to shortcut form