@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

1.10.8 2020-04-24 #
  • Login page for UB EE will indicate license is exceed (UB server should be >= 5.18.1. For UB < 5.18.1 feature skipped)
  • UButton component. Recommended to use instead of element-ui button. See documentation here
  • UIcon component. See documentation here
  • UTableEntity, UMasterDetailView ability to customize filters templates and labels. See documentation here
  • immediate checking of isDirty store getter inside Ext component because isDirty could be marked as true before watcher was sets
  • UChat component - a discussion attached to some instance. See documentation here
1.10.7 2020-04-10 #
  • UMasterDetailView: added dropdown with details into toolbar
  • USidebar - additional parameter contextMenuPayload (contains all ubm_navshortcut attributes) added to ubm_navshortcut.showForm action; Can be used in form for ubm_navshortcut
  • USidebar context menu work not only for sidebar item, but for empty space. In case user right-clicking on empty space then action is applied to current desktop. This allow to create a nav shortcut for newly created desktops
  • Form/processing, UTableEntity added possibility to replace default deletion confirmation message for each entity separately. Add row to locale file according template: { 'ENTITY:deleteInquiry': 'Delete {1} from {0}' }, where ENTITY is entity code, {0} - translated entity name and {1} is instance description attribute.
  • UDialog added dialogDeleteRecord - 'YesNo' dialog which compute delitation message. Also, added to Vue.prototype.$dialogDeleteRecord
  • UForm/processing added hooks beforeCopy and copied for action Copy in UTableEntity
  • UForm param isCopy. Creates copy of existing record

Changed #

1.10.8 2020-04-24 #
  • UInput/LocaleButton in case field is required - localization field will always required. In case dialog is not opened fields will be filled automatically.
  • css variables primary and warning colors little lighter.
  • UFormRow error text to lighter
  • USelectMultiple increase font-size to 16px according other components
  • UFormRow decrease label font-size from 16px to 14px
1.10.7 2020-04-10 #
  • UMasterDetailView: details labels will contains only relation entity name (without attribute) in case only one attribute points to this entity
  • Form/processing, UTableEntity improve deletion confirmation message according template Record [instance description attr value] will be deleted from the [entity caption]. Are You sure?
1.10.6 2020-04-03 #
  • UFile preview dialog now opened a full screen mode (instead of 80% screen height)
  • UFileCollection width of column 'size' increased to prevent row wrap
  • css reference for box shadow css variable
  • UToolbar buttons save and save and close repainted primary blue color

Fixed #

1.10.8 2020-04-24 #
  • UTableEntity in case row was deleted disable action buttons before choosing another row
  • UTableEntity pass isCopy param to autoforms
  • UForm/processing during copying record set canSave params to true
1.10.7 2020-04-10 #
  • UTableEntity toolbar slots. They overlapped the original action content but did not display provided slot
  • typo for valueIsUndefined in ru and uk languages, also fixed az translation for new keys
  • UTableEntity copy action in context menu. It copies the data of an existing record and creates a new with new collections records
1.10.6 2020-04-03 #
  • USidebar correct target of contextmenu click. In case on click contextmenu level 3 and more

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Changed #

5.13.6 2020-04-03 #
  • Ext based forms label text weight changed from 600 to 400 (better looks with new Roboto font)
  • for all Ext controls (except for labels) text weight changed from 600 to 500 (better looks with new Roboto font)
  • Colors according blue theme. Repainted to primary blue:
    • grid selected cell
    • toolbar buttons

Fixed #

5.13.8 2020-04-24 #
  • Ext grid: change "load filter configuration" icon to far fa-folder-open fa fa-folder is missing in FontAwesome5
  • Ext ComboBox "Select from dictionary" action will show Vue based dictionary with "Select" button (before this patch "Select" button is missing)
5.13.7 2020-04-10 #
  • random invalid session signature calculation (in @unitybase/csShared/UBSession.js) what cause a 401 server response and re-logon for UB authentication schema of self-circling for Kerberos. The root of problem is variable declaration (let/const) inside switch block - such construction MUST NOT BE USED
5.13.6 2020-04-03 #
  • use fas fa-box-open as Drop Zone icon (fa fa-dropbox not present in font awesome 5)

@unitybase/base #

Added #

5.2.5 2020-04-10 #
  • DBConnection.selectParsedAsObject(sql, params) method - the same as runParsed but returns Array<Object> instead of String

Changed #

5.2.5 2020-04-10 #
  • DBConnection unit moved into @unitybase/base from @unitybase/ub; This allows to use it in shell scripts (App.dbConnections available as before)

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Fixed #

5.2.5 2020-04-10 #
  • random invalid session signature calculation what cause a 401 server response and re-logon for UB authentication schema of self-circling for Kerberos. The root of problem is variable declaration (let/const) inside switch block - such construction MUST NOT BE USED

@unitybase/pdf #

Fixed #

5.0.31 2020-04-10 #
  • fix potential invalid position calculation in HTLMToPdf (invalid use of let inside switch)

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.5.7 2020-04-24 #
  • licenseExceedText i18n client locale

Fixed #

5.5.6 2020-04-10 #
  • random invalid session signature calculation (in @unitybase/csShared/UBSession.js) what cause a 401 server response and re-logon for UB authentication schema of self-circling for Kerberos. The root of problem is variable declaration (let/const) inside switch block - such construction MUST NOT BE USED

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.4.7 2020-04-24 #
  • isLicenseExceed property added to getAppInfo endpoint result (UB EE). true in case license is exceed. Undefined in other cases.
5.4.6 2020-04-10 #
  • in case of unexpected exception inside metadata initialization entity name which cause an error will be logged

Changed #

5.4.7 2020-04-24 #
  • ServerRepository will check for total (in case builds using .withTotal(true)) in DataStore.totalRowCount property instead of switching DataStore to .currentDataName = '__totalRecCount'
5.4.6 2020-04-10 #
  • DBConnection unit moved into @unitybase/base from @unitybase/ub; This allows to use it in shell scripts (App.dbConnections available as before)

Removed #

5.4.7 2020-04-24 #
  • BREAKING UBQL with options.totalRequired = true no longer create a separate DataStore namespace __totalRecCount.
    To get a total record count property DataStore.totalRowCount should be used instead.
    This only affect a UB 1.12 legacy code like this:
    if (mParams.options.totalRequired) {
      ctx.dataStore.currentDataName = "__totalRecCount";
      mParams.__totalRecCount = (ctx.dataStore.rowCount) ? ctx.dataStore.get(0) : ctx.dataStore.rowCount;
      ctx.dataStore.currentDataName = "";
    should be replaced by
    if (mParams.options.totalRequired) {
      mParams.__totalRecCount = ctx.dataStore.totalRowCount
    or simply removed - UB5.18.1 will add a mParams.__totalRecCount output parameter automatically

@unitybase/ubm #

Changed #

5.3.7 2020-04-24 #
  • ubm_navshotrcut.iconCls property caption changed from "icon css class name" -> "Icon (CSS class)" (also for ru and uk)
5.3.6 2020-04-10 #
  • ubm_navshortcut.isFolder i18n changed for uk/ru Папка -> Группа