@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.24.7 2024-03-25 #
  • UNavbarNotificationsButton: the "Mark all as read" button
5.24.6 2024-03-17 #
  • UModal: new property body-custom-class to decorate a modal dialog body

Changed #

5.24.6 2024-03-17 #
  • UFilePreviewButton now uses u-modal for preview instead of direct usage of <dialog>

Fixed #

5.24.7 2024-03-25 #
  • UNavbarNotificationsButton: optimize the loading of notification messages:
    • add limit,
    • remove from the field list non-used attributes,
    • add the expireDate>#now filter to omit the expired notifications,
    • to manage read/unread messages load only ids of non-expired unread ones and filter them on the portal:notify:readed event
5.24.6 2024-03-17 #
  • UFileMultiple and UFileCollection: fixed the "...ID undefined" exception if the item of type pdf is deleted after previewing

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.24.77 2024-03-25 #
  • new configuration property ubConfig.uiSettings.adminUI.defaultFilterForStringAttr what allows to change a default startWith initial filter condition for columns of type string to contains or equal. WARNING - contains can significantly slow down the execution of SQL queries
5.24.76 2024-03-17 #
  • EntityGridPanel - new property baseSummary. If true - grid will be displayed with Ext summary panel { ftype: 'summary', dock: 'bottom' }

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.24.4 2024-03-17 #
  • cdn_staffunittype shortcut in cdn_folder_subjects folder in cdn_desktop

@unitybase/logview #

Fixed #

1.1.26 2024-03-25 #
  • removed unnecessary double / in log file download URL

@unitybase/pdf #

Added #

5.3.5 2024-03-17 #
  • HtmlToPdf.writeHtml now can detect text rotation with transform: rotate(-180|180|-90|90deg) attribute and output in into HTML as rotated. In addition writing-mode: vertical-rl can be added to mirror text output. Recognized block example:
  <td style="height: 50px; writing-mode: vertical-rl; transform: rotate(-180deg);">Will be written vertically</td>

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.24.5 2024-03-25 #
  • added localization for ERR_CHILD_RECORDS_IN_HIERARCHY server-side exception, what thrown by UB@5.24.8 by tree mixin in case child record exists on deletion

Fixed #

5.24.4 2024-03-17 #
  • Bug in i18n function, which did not work, when one of localization parameters is null

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.25.20 2024-03-25 #
  • new property ubConfig.logging.rotationWithCompression is documented in ubConfig.schema.json. In UB@5.24.8 if this property is true (default) log files will be compressed after rotation.
  • new method App.runInAutonomousTransaction(func) (UB@5.24.8) - all database statements, or direct SQL execution from inside func will be executed in a separate connection intended for executing autonomous transactions and automatically committed (or rolled back in case of an exception). See Autonomous transactions

Changed #

5.25.20 2024-03-25 #
  • multi-tenancy: key in App.globalCacheGet and App.globalCachePut will be automatically appended by ':tid'+tenantID. This made a global key unique for each tenant (UB@5.24.8)

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.25.23 2024-03-25 #
  • ubcli generateNginxCfg now adds remote log access internal endpoint (remoteLog) section info generated nginx config. Manually created server-romoleLogAccess.conf drop-in should be removed.

Changed #

5.25.23 2024-03-25 #
  • ubcli initDB changed to support autonomous transaction
5.25.22 2024-03-17 #
  • ubcli generateNginxCfg - implicitly specified seconds in fail_timeout=30s (instead of fail_timeout=30)

@unitybase/ubs #

Added #

5.24.4 2024-03-17 #
  • new method ubs_numcounter.getRegnumLoosely - returns the counter number by mask with possible gaps in the sequence, but faster when getRegnum (does not lock row in ubs_numcounter table and do less DB queries)

Changed #

5.24.5 2024-03-25 #
  • ubs_numcounter.getRegnumLoosely:
    • use App.runInAutonomousTransaction instead of HTTP request to self to persist a counter into DB
    • counter value, persisted into DB now an incremented one (instead of current). This prevents counters intersection in case of server failure
5.24.4 2024-03-17 #
  • ubs_numcounter.generateAutoIncrementalCode now uses getRegnumLoosely instead of getRegnum - gaps is not a problem here

Removed #

5.24.5 2024-03-25 #
  • msgTypeXXX public locales. It is recommended to use the UBS_MESSAGE_TYPE enum instead

Fixed #

5.24.5 2024-03-25 #
  • ubs_message-fm: add infinite scroll pagination since there are environments with a huge amount of notifications