@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.24.15 2024-05-21 #
  • UTableEntity: in case buildAddNewConfig, buildEditConfig or buildCopyConfig returns false - action is not called. This allows to implement own action reaction

Fixed #

5.24.14 2024-05-20 #
  • Authorization page: prevent a repeat call of login in case password is wrong and user press Enter key on Access deny. Check login name and password dialog
5.24.13 2024-05-07 #
  • allow paste text with \n and \r into <input> - browser will strip it automatically

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.24.86 2024-05-14 #
  • added new property UBComboBox.searchStrategy (as in USelectEntity from adminui-vue). Can be one of like (default) or startsWith. For performance reasons, it is better to set the value startsWith to use the index in the database

Fixed #

5.24.85 2024-05-13 #
  • Organogram: fixed error Expression [ID] should be compared with parameter of type Number but got String while opening diagram
5.24.83 2024-05-06 #
  • Multi-filter: prevent multiple "Filter" action call for the same filter

@unitybase/aws #

Added #

5.24.2 2024-05-20 #
  • Initial release
5.24.0 2024-05-19 #
  • pre-release

@unitybase/base #

Changed #

5.24.7 2024-05-29 #
  • SyncConnection now tries to parse server-side error with HTTP codes >= 401 in case content type is JSON. Before this fix only HTTP 500 is parsed in such way

Chores #

5.24.6 2024-05-07 #
  • added WARNING for SQL Server procedure call: SET NOCOUNT ON MUST be added; any print statement MUST be removed

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Removed #

5.24.7 2024-05-20 #
  • removed obsolete fileSystemPDFBlobStore.js (very old implementation what uses OLE objects to convert Office files to PDF). Replaced by "@ub-e/to-pdf" many years ago.

Fixed #

5.24.8 2024-05-29 #
  • fixed regression with the creation of subfolders for the Daily/Hourly fileSystem BLOB store
5.24.7 2024-05-20 #
  • for historical (historyDepth>0) BLOB-stores, the removal of non-persistent revisions that exceed the historyDepth counter has been fixed. Before this fix, historical revisions were never deleted.

Chores #

5.24.7 2024-05-20 #
  • removed UB@5.22 compatibility checks (App.fsObserve, chunked file upload)
  • saveContentToTempStore implementation is moved to BlobStoreCustom (so all stores by default now support chunked upload)

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.24.12 2024-05-14 #
  • added index for cdn_person.fullFIO

Fixed #

5.24.14 2024-05-29 #
  • Migration script for cdn_language - removing duplicate for the sq (Albanian) for multitenant environments
5.24.13 2024-05-20 #
  • cdn_language: make the code attribute unique, delete duplicate for the sq (Albanian) language by migration

@unitybase/logview #

Added #

1.1.31 2024-05-03 #
  • added nginx partial config for /remoteLog access (moved from main nginx template)

@unitybase/mailer #

Added #

5.23.25 2024-05-03 #
  • added GMail and Office365 SMTP parameters sample in README

@unitybase/openid-connect #

Changed #

5.24.8 2024-05-07 #
  • OIDC registerOpenIDEndpoint: in case endpoint already registered - return existed instead of throw

Chores #

5.24.10 2024-05-29 #
  • added Azure OpenIDConnect integration example into README.md

@unitybase/org #

Changed #

5.24.12 2024-05-13 #
  • SECURITY LocalOrgManager: prohibit changing built-in users (admin and root)
  • SECURITY LocalOrgManager: prohibit changing User and Employee data for records with multiple subordinates, to prevent obtaining permission for a denied records
5.24.11 2024-05-07 #
  • Assignments of Our Organization (org_employeeonstaff) algorithm for calculating caption has been changed to include the name of the staff unit

@unitybase/s3-blob-store #

Added #

5.1.3 2024-05-21 #
  • regression fixed - added parameter s3enabled for ubConfig BLOB stores what uses "implementedBy": "@unitybase/s3-blob-store" or @ub-e/to-pdf. Default is false, what allow to use @ub-e/to-pdf (what inherits from s3-blob-store) without configuring S3 connection
5.1.1 2024-05-20 #
  • initial release
5.24.0 2024-05-19 #
  • pre-release

Fixed #

5.1.2 2024-05-20 #
  • fixed @unitybase/blob-stores dependency

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Changed #

5.24.10 2024-05-07 #
  • i18n changed for OpenIDConnect welcome message to include Service Provider name

Fixed #

5.24.11 2024-05-20 #
  • LocalRepository: prevent failing for instances initialized from an empty array. Data fields should be assigned based on fieldList for such case to prevent errors like Using of attribute that not in fieldList is not allowed

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.25.27 2024-05-29 #
  • added support for authorization using JWT - see https://unitybase.info/api/server-v5/tutorial-security_jwt_schema.html Require server to be >= 5.24.13

Fixed #

5.25.27 2024-05-29 #
  • SECURITY: aclRlsMixin checks access to the master record when creating a new permission. mi_owner has permission by default, to prevent error on create first permission

@unitybase/uba #

Fixed #

5.24.10 2024-05-29 #
  • ChangeUserPasswordForm: client-side password validation now correctly handles the values of UBA.passwordPolicy.minLength and UBA.passwordPolicy.allowMatchWithLogin. Prior to this fix, the default values were always used

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.25.29 2024-05-03 #
  • nginx configuration template now can use environment variables
or with default
  • ubcli generateNginxCfg now can add partial nginx configurations from models nginx-partial.mustache files

Removed #

5.25.31 2024-05-20 #
  • removed dead code what uses runSQL endpoint for sql migrations (UB@50.18.15 compatibility)
5.25.29 2024-05-03 #
  • /remoteLog nginx config moved into LOG model nginx-partial.mustache partial

Fixed #

5.25.32 2024-05-29 #
  • Migration of multi-tenant environment with multiple UB servers

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.24.9 2024-05-03 #
  • added GMail and Office365 SMTP parameters sample in README