@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

1.13.10 2020-09-24 #
  • new icons:
    • u-icon-brand-ub
    • u-icon-brand-docnet
    • u-icon-brand-scriptum
    • u-icon-brand-deals
    • u-icon-brand-bpm
    • u-icon-file-preview
    • u-icon-file-add
  • UAutoField new property forceCmp - if defined then specified component will be used instead of default what based on attribute type. For example <u-auto-field attribute-name="bool_attr" force-cmp="el-switch" /> will create a el-switch instead of el-checkbox (default cmp for Boolean)
1.13.7 2020-09-22 #
  • UTable event click-head-cell fires in case user click on the header cell
  • UTableEntity will show dropdown for sort order selection while user click on the table header
  • UToolbar: slot leftBefore is added on the left side of the toolbar before default buttons
1.13.5 2020-09-20 #
  • UTableEntity: action show summary in dropdown menu which shows summary data for each column with type Number. Also, added slot for summary action - toolbarDropdownSummary
  • UMasterDetailView: sort order saved in the localStorage for each shortcut
  • Excel export from UTableEntity adds a total row with SUM formula for a numeric columns
  • UToolbar.showAccessRights: added parentContext.instanceID (ID of the instance we add rigths for) to the addNew command
  • The processing vuex module now has DELETE_COLLECTION_ITEM_WITHOUT_TRACKING mutation. It acts like DELETE_COLLECTION_ITEM, but does NOT track deletion. This is useful for collection items, which depends on other collections and ARE deleted by cascade.
1.13.4 2020-09-11 #
  • UTableEntity toolbar date range filter extended by "yesterday" and "today" shortcuts
  • replaceShowList now creates vue-based scopedSlots from ext-based hideActions array
1.13.2 2020-09-08 #
  • UMasterDetailView: form preview mode.(in menu All actions-> View mode)
  • UToolbar: new 'toolbarInfoRow' slot to place additional information about record in the toolbar (under the dates of creation and modification)

Changed #

1.13.11 2020-09-27 #
  • UTableEntity buildAddNewConfig now called using await (so can be async) and with the second argument instance: UTableEntity`
1.13.10 2020-09-24 #
  • UDatePicker component width decreased to 150px for :type="date" (instead of 220px as hardcoded in el-datepicker)
  • UTableEntity buildCopyConfig and buildEditConfig now called using await (so can be async) and with the second argument row - content of row been edited (copied). This allows to open a form based on current row values and possible asynchronously retrieved information. For example - navshortcut what shows form based on detailed itemID
  cmdType: 'showList',
  cmdData: {
      repository: () => UB.Repository('up_invoiceitem')
        .attrs(["enclosure_id", "enclosure_id.date_reg","pay_sum"]),
      buildEditConfig: async function (cfg, row) {
        cfg.entity = 'up_enclosure'
        let additionalInfo = await something() // can await for data
        cfg.instanceID = row.enclosure_id // can use row to get some value
        return cfg
1.13.7 2020-09-22 #
  • design of icons: sort, sort-asc, sort-desc
1.13.5 2020-09-20 #
  • vue updated 2.6.10 -> 2.6.12; vue-template-compiler updated 2.6.10 -> 2.6.12
  • UTableEntity: close sort popup after change sort order
  • replaceShowList creates Repository from ubql passed to cmdData[0], so accept where, groups etc. Before this only entity and fieldList takes into account
  • USelectEntity label for "More" button in english locale changed from "more than" to "More"
  • Use HTML formatting inside i18n for validationError - 'Unable to save.<br>Error in fields:<br>{0}' This is the same as in Ext based component.
1.13.4 2020-09-11 #
  • UButton: native button property "type" is sets to "button" by default. Can be changed by passing type in prop
 <u-button type="submit">Submit button</u-button>
1.13.3 2020-09-09 #
  • UTableEntity: always show pagination. Before this change, pagination was hidden when table contains one page

Fixed #

1.13.11 2020-09-27 #
  • adminui-vue sets Vue.config.errorHandler, so uncaught errors
    • during component render function and watchers
    • in component lifecycle hooks
    • thrown inside Vue custom event handlers
    • thrown inside v-on DOM listeners are displayed to user (except UB.UBAbortError). Before this fix such exceptions are silently ignored.
1.13.7 2020-09-22 #
  • UFileMultiple: carouselWithPreview now lazy
  • UFileMultiple: provide disabled prop to UFileInput so if UFileMultiple is disabled inner UFileInput is also disabled
  • UFile, UFileMultiple: provide revision param to getDocument
1.13.6 2020-09-21 #
  • UTableEntity/updateData: error on delete record
1.13.5 2020-09-20 #
  • UDropdown remove popup HTMLElement after parent instance destroyed
  • UTableEntity - hide audit button in case uba_auditTrail.select is not accessible to user
  • lookups - if updated value retrived from Repository then response fieldList taken from request. It's important for EAV atts
  • mountContainer provide stubs $formServices.setTitle & $formServices.close as mountTab and mountModal do. This allows form to be mounted inside preview area without changing form code (in case form use these methods).
  • UTableEntity update lookup data only in case of updated record match current repository whereList conditions. This prevents adding unexpected values to lookups in opened forms.
1.13.4 2020-09-11 #
  • UTableEntity toolbar date range filters "last month", "last year" and "last 6 month" will truncate time part before apply a filter. Before this fix these filters excludes first and last day of period (because of time)
1.13.3 2020-09-09 #
  • UTable apply i18n to the table header cells labels
  • replaceShowList: added missed scopedSlots for Ext-based showList command format
  • USelectEntity: prevent open dropdown menu in case enter is pressed on another component on the same form
  • UTableEntity will scroll to the top after page is changed
1.13.2 2020-09-08 #
  • UTableEntity: i18n is applied to all <th> values
  • Excel export from UTableEntity fixed:
    • numbers now exported as numbers, not as strings
    • boolean values exported as 0 or 1
    • filters descriptions (if applied to UTableEntity) are added as a second header row
  • USelectEntity - removed 64px wide empty space inside input (adds visibility for 4 additional characters)

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Fixed #

5.4.8 2020-09-22 #
  • Allow getDocument endpoint calls with specific "revision" parameter for "Document" attributes, which does not have current value.

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Changed #

5.5.5 2020-09-23 #
  • formatByPattern.formatDate(d, 'dateFullLong') year format changed to 4 digits to produce 'March 25, 2020' instead of 'March 25, 20'

Removed #

5.5.2 2020-09-01 #
  • packageJSON property is removed from extended domain

Fixed #

5.5.5 2020-09-23 #
  • another dirty fix for prevent formatByPattern to use multiple collator instances. Prev. not works as expected.
5.5.4 2020-09-22 #
  • prevent formatByPattern to use multiple collator instances and prevents from sets default language to unknown. Current solution is a temporary DIRTY HACK. The reason of the problem is that @unitybase/cs-shared package is included into every compiled module (adminui-pub, adminui-vue, vendor packages etc.). The good solution is to be found.
5.5.3 2020-09-20 #
  • formatByPattern.setDefaultLang correctly sets en default language. Before this fix in case user default language is en undegined is sets instead of en. This allows calling formatByPattern.formatNumber and formatByPattern.formatDate on the client side without 3rd lang argument:
  const n = 2305.1
  // on client can be called without 3rd lang parameter - will be formatted for user default lang (for uk "2 305,10")
  formatByPattern.formatNumber(n, 'sum')

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Fixed #

5.5.24 2020-09-20 #
  • en i18n('ok') changed from 'Ok' -> 'OK'

@unitybase/uba #

Fixed #

5.4.33 2020-09-23 #
  • 'Record modified by another user' localization string typo fixed for ru and ky langs

@unitybase/ubcli #

Changed #

5.7.2 2020-09-08 #
  • ubcli inidDB -create skips database(role for Oracle, schema for Postgres, file for SQLite3) creation in case database already exists

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.4.1 2020-09-01 #
  • Azerbaijani locale for initial data

Fixed #

5.4.1 2020-09-01 #
  • mailer scheduler is enabled when application.customSettings.mailerConfig.targetHost not empty in the config. Before these changes targetHost is not checked, but only mailerConfig section availability.