@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.23.45 2023-02-22 #
  • Form processing: beforeMaster flag support in the collection config which allows to execute collection actions before the main request. This can be useful in scenarios such as adding document participants before changing the author, which preserves document access for the user
5.23.44 2023-02-15 #
  • UDialog: support for custom dialog width via given width property
    const dialog = await dialog({
      title: 'title',
      msg: 'message',
      type: 'warning',
      buttons: {
        yes: 'yes',
        no: 'no',
        cancel: 'cancel'
      width: '700px'
5.23.43 2023-02-10 #
  • USelectEntity: new property beforeDeleteRecord: function(recordID) - callback which will be called with one parameter recordID before delete. If returns false - deletion will be canceled.
  • @unitybase/adminui-vue exports new escapeHtml function

Fixed #

5.23.45 2023-02-22 #
  • table entity in modal window: set focus on table by default to fix issue with 'ESC' button in some cases
5.23.44 2023-02-15 #
  • USelectEntity: fixed the work of drop-down menu items in debug (-dev) mode. Before the fix all menu buttons did nothing when were clicked on
  • USelectEntity: the chooseOption handler triggered setQueryByValue method twice (within itself and within the value watcher) and in some cases each time with different values
  • USelectEntity: in case of several consecutive calls to setQueryByValue, they change the label in the order they are called. Before this fix, the result depended on the presence of a value in the already loaded options
  • UTableEntity - fix enum-equal filter (unknown value is displayed instead of empty while adding new filter)
5.23.43 2023-02-10 #
  • export to HTML will escape possible HTML special characters in column values. Works for columns where custom exportFormat function is not defined. Custom exportFormat can use escapeHtml function., exported by @unitybase/adminui-vue to perform their own escaping
  • moment package upgraded to 5.29.4 (there is CVE-2022-31129 in moment@5.29.3)

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.24.25 2023-02-06 #
  • new method $App.showAccessRights - show aclRls grid for specified instance

Fixed #

5.24.25 2023-02-06 #
  • aclRls (Access rights) action for EntityGridPanel

@unitybase/base #

Fixed #

5.23.14 2023-02-10 #
  • fixed SyncConnection.lookup to produce safe UBQL (attribute in whereList expression MUST be wrapped by [])
5.23.13 2023-02-06 #
  • Fix LOCAL_SERVER_UBQL_V2 detection for future versions of UB (past v5)

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Added #

5.23.17 2023-02-15 #
  • new BLOB stores configuration properties:
    • whitelistExtensions: array of allowed file extensions (with ., lowercase), example: ['.jpg', '.png']. If empty(default) - any extension is allowed
    • blacklistExtensions: array of NOT allowed file extensions (with ., lowercase), example: ['.exe', '.sh'] Example:
   "name": "simple",
   "path": "/%stores/documents/simple", // default ./ added for test only!
   "isDefault": true,
   "blacklistExtensions": [".exe", ".com", ".bat", ".sh"]
   "name": "avatars",
   "path": "%UB_APPDATA%stores/documents/avatars",
   "whitelistExtensions": [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".webp"]

@unitybase/openid-connect #

Added #

5.23.30 2023-02-15 #
  • added providerConfig.fields parameter for registerProvider - an id.gov.ua specific

Fixed #

5.23.30 2023-02-15 #
  • during redirection to provider auth endpoint state parameter now filled randomly to prevent request forgery and stored in global cache; During auth handshake state is compared with initial one (retrieved from global cache by cookie OIDC_SESSID_COOKIE value)

@unitybase/org #

Added #

5.23.45 2023-02-22 #
  • added a new role LocalOrgManager - allows to create and change the organizational structure in own organization
  • added new ownOrganization property into userData - a lower organization of permanent staff unit assignment for employee
  • added new entity-method org_employee.createUserForEmployee to create new user on save employee without login

Changed #

5.23.45 2023-02-22 #
  • changed shortcuts order in the directory org_folder_internal

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Changed #

5.23.20 2023-02-10 #
  • AsyncConnection.insert|update|runTrans DO NOT stringify execParams values for keys with dots before sending them to server
await UB.connection.update({
    entity: 'entityCode',
    execParams: {
        ID: 1,
        'attrValues.ldoc2908': [1000000000244, 1000000000245]
// before changes sends over network
// "execParams": { "ID": 1, "attrValues.ldoc2908": "[1000000000244, 1000000000245]"}
//after changes
// "execParams": { "ID": 1, "attrValues.ldoc2908": [1000000000244, 1000000000245]}

Fixed #

5.23.19 2023-02-06 #
  • fix Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'adminUI') when try to connect from NodeJS services to UB in maintenance mode

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.24.11 2023-02-15 #
  • new BLOB stores configuration properties:
    • whitelistExtensions: array of allowed file extensions (with ., lowercase), example: ['.jpg', '.png']. If empty(default) - any extension is allowed
    • blacklistExtensions: array of NOT allowed file extensions (with ., lowercase), example: ['.exe', '.sh']
5.24.10 2023-02-10 #
  • new server-side event applicationReady for App. Fires inside each working thread after all initialization step is done during startup (domain, endpoints and BLOB stores are initialized)

@unitybase/uba #

Changed #

5.23.35 2023-02-06 #
  • Stop during migrations on multitenant environments call fixTenantIdForUbaSubject in the migration hook; slightly improved logging in that migration hook

@unitybase/ubcli #

Changed #

5.24.7 2023-02-06 #
  • server_name directive in nginx template for ub-proxy.conf (used by ubcli generateNginxCfg) is moved above ssl configuration for better readability