@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.20.24 2021-09-16 #
  • UAutoField: in addition to selected value added pass of entire selected option to input event
  • USelectEntity - for entities with dataHistory mixin added strike out + timer icon in case selected record is out of date
  • UTableEntity: slot sidebar to render content on the left side of the table or card-view
5.20.23 2021-09-08 #
  • addCollectionItemWithoutDefaultValues - new Vuex action - such as addCollectionItem but does not fetch default params
  • UToolbar: showDropdown prop that allows preventing rendering of the dropdown menu
  • toValidate property to the UTableColumn, which allows skipping checking the column in the validateFieldList method - useful for custom unfamiliar columns
  • $lookups.getEnumItems method returns array of {code: string, name: string} enum items ordered by sort order for the given eGroup, for example: $lookups.getEnumItems('ORG_UNITTYPE') returns:
        "code": "STAFF",
        "name": "Staff unit"
        "code": "ORG",
        "name": "Organization"
        "code": "DEP",
        "name": "Department"
        "code": "EXECGROUP",
        "name": "Execution group"
  • UTable: set title for cell with long text and three dots in the end [UBDF-14278)
5.20.22 2021-09-02 #
  • Form/mount: added param onClose, this is a callback function that, if defined, is called from the beforeDestroy lifecycle hook

Changed #

5.20.24 2021-09-16 #
  • UTableEntity HTML export rewritten to use client-side export:
    • output only columns visible in grid
    • take into account formatting function, so output a captions instead of IDs for Entity columns
    • added column caption translation
    • added table header (as in Excel export)
5.20.23 2021-09-08 #
  • UTableEntity: now show filter control if there are no available columns for filtration
  • improved the table for displaying and the form for adding and management entries of the aclRls mixin for some entity
  • USelectMultiple: change style for dropdown. Fixed the position of the buttons "More", "Template" and other. Task

Fixed #

5.20.26 2021-09-24 #
  • UTableEntity: remove excessive control scrollbar after adding of the slot for the left sidebar
5.20.25 2021-09-17 #
  • USelectEntity - fix the previous fix "for entities with dataHistory mixin added strike out + timer icon in case selected record is out of date"
5.20.24 2021-09-16 #
  • UTableEntity: calculate totals on columns of Currency type (missed before fix) by inherits column summaryAggregationOperator from Number column type definition
  • UTableEntity: allows to display a result of repository with a groupBy statement
    • avoid adding an 'ID' attribute to the fieldList if repository contains a groupBy clause
    • expect first attribute to be a unique key (used instead of ID to generate a key for vue)
    • possible repository example:
return UB.Repository('uba_auditTrail')
  .attrs('MAX([ID])','max([actionTime])', 'document.regNumber', 'actionDate', 'actionType')
  .where('document.ID', 'isNotNull')
  .groupBy(['document.regNumber', 'actionDate', 'actionType'])
5.20.23 2021-09-08 #
  • UCardView: rendering of values if the cell template is not defined for the related column
  • UFormRow: fix very long tags in USelectMultiple. Now, tags is flexible, has max-width: 100% from parent and don't come out beyound the viewport
  • UDatePicker: removed hard width. Datepicker width is flexible between 150px to 220px
  • UNavbar: fixed opening of two tabs with the same id

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.20.23 2021-09-02 #
  • added import of:
    • UB.view.StatusWindow
    • UB.ux.tree.Column
    • Ext.ux.exporter.excelFormatter.*
    • Ext.ux.exporter.Base64 Classes are used by third-party projects

Removed #

5.20.23 2021-09-02 #
  • Ext.ux.exporter.wikiFormatter.WikiFormatter not loaded by default (available for manual loading)

Fixed #

5.20.24 2021-09-08 #
  • $App.scan() will show an error with scan settings requirement instead of "unknown error" in case scanner not configured

@unitybase/base #

Added #

5.20.12 2021-09-24 #
  • ServerRepository: in -dev mode selectSingle() and selectScalar() methods will add a stack trace to error when more than one row is selected

Fixed #

5.20.12 2021-09-24 #
  • jsdoc for DBConnection fixed - now it appears in generated HTML documentation. Added example for DBConnection.savepointWrap

@unitybase/cdn #

Changed #

5.20.25 2021-09-16 #
  • English (en) localization for desktop/shortcut captions: the words are capitalized according to English rules for captions
  • navigation definition is moved from _initialData scripts to 03_navigation.yml file in order to use ub-migrate for migration of the navigation data

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Changed #

5.20.5 2021-09-24 #
  • small speed-up of CustomRepository.ubql() by using Object.assign instead of _.defaults

@unitybase/org #

Changed #

5.20.25 2021-09-16 #
  • English (en) localization for desktop/shortcut captions: the words are capitalized according to English rules for captions
  • navigation definition is moved from _initialData scripts to 03_navigation.yml file in order to use ub-migrate for migration of the navigation data

Fixed #

5.20.24 2021-09-08 #
  • ubm_enum sortOrder for the ORG_UNITTYPE eGroup: change from STAFF->ORG->DEP->EXECGROUP to ORG->DEP->STAFF->EXECGROUP,

@unitybase/pdf #

Added #

5.2.3 2021-09-08 #
  • TimesNewRoman_Cyr: Hyphen and dashes added (0x2010 - 0x2014)

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.22.15 2021-09-24 #
  • App.registerEndpoint accept 4-d parameter bypassHTTPLogging. If sets to true server bypass logging of HTTP body into (useful if body contains sensitive information) and instead log [DEDACTED] For UB < 5.20.8 parameter is ignored.
5.22.14 2021-09-16 #
  • fsStorage mixin - added allowOverride property. Sets it to true allows row with the same natural key to be present in several models. In this case last model (in order they defined in ubConfig) win.

Changed #

5.22.14 2021-09-16 #
  • captions from meta files: the words are capitalized according to English rules for captions

Removed #

5.22.12 2021-09-02 #
  • App.logoutAllWithTheSameNameExceptMe() is removed - use App.removeUserSessions(userID) instead. Actually logoutAllWithTheSameNameExceptMe dose not works since UB5.

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.20.26 2021-09-24 #
  • for UB@5.20.8 changePassword endpoint skip logging of HTTP request body (contains user password), [DEDACTED] logged instead

Changed #

5.20.25 2021-09-16 #
  • English (en) localization for desktop/shortcut captions: the words are capitalized according to English rules for captions

@unitybase/ubcli #

Fixed #

5.21.21 2021-09-24 #
  • ubcli migrate update an ub_version.appliedAt attribute using current date. Before this fix appliedAt is not updated (remains the same as on insertion)
5.21.20 2021-09-16 #
  • do not logout user in case certificate is inserted - instead logout in case certificate is updated

@unitybase/ubm #

Changed #

5.20.25 2021-09-16 #
  • English (en) localization for desktop/shortcut captions: the words are capitalized according to English rules for captions

@unitybase/ubq #

Changed #

5.20.25 2021-09-16 #
  • English (en) localization for desktop/shortcut captions: the words are capitalized according to English rules for captions

@unitybase/ubs #

Added #

5.20.25 2021-09-16 #
  • ubs_report allows override reports by creating report with the same code in different models. Report form a last model (in order they defined in ubConfig) will be used

Changed #

5.20.25 2021-09-16 #
  • English (en) localization for desktop/shortcut captions: the words are capitalized according to English rules for captions
  • navigation definition is moved from _initialData scripts to 03_navigation.yml file in order to use ub-migrate for migration of the navigation data

@unitybase/udisk #

Changed #

5.20.26 2021-09-24 #
  • role definition is moved from _initialData scripts to 01_roles.yml file in order to prevent situations when navigation items are initialized before the roles which define access rules for them
5.20.25 2021-09-16 #
  • English (en) localization for desktop/shortcut captions: the words are capitalized according to English rules for captions
  • navigation definition is moved from _initialData scripts to 03_navigation.yml file in order to use ub-migrate for migration of the navigation data