@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.22.12 2022-04-20 #
  • republish package
5.22.11 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)

Changed #

5.22.17 2022-04-29 #
  • UTableEntityRoot: support new property: get-row-class, which returns a custom class names for row (<tr>)
5.22.15 2022-04-20 #
  • published version of package now EXCLUDES Roboto font for -dev mode, unminified version of element-ui css (el-theme-compiled.css) and sources of ub-icons iconic fonts. These changes reduce installed package size from 12.5mb to 8.4mb (4.7 MB -> 3.5 MB for tarball)
5.22.8 2022-04-06 #
  • UCodeMirror support new property: options, which allows custom CodeMirror component configurations, as described at https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#config
   :options="{lineWrapping: true}"

Deprecated #

5.22.8 2022-04-06 #
  • The ASSIGN_DATA mutation deprecates loadedData property - it was misnamed. Use the new data property instead.

Fixed #

5.22.8 2022-04-06 #
  • The "processing" Vuex store module now uses ASSIGN_DATA instead of LOAD_DATA mutation on adding new record. This fixed problem with case, when server return all the default values from addnew method and form is not dirty, so it may not be saved.
  • many/oneOf filter: fixed error when filtering by 'Many' field type using 'one of'

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.22.9 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)

Changed #

5.22.9 2022-04-19 #
  • tinymce localization files: transformed to UTF8 instead of using codepoints in string for non-english characters
5.22.7 2022-04-08 #
  • UB.ux.Multifilter: added the ability to contextually search the ubdetailgrid filter for attributes of type enum

@unitybase/base #

Added #

5.22.4 2022-04-27 #
  • argv.establishConnectionFromCmdLineAttributes can accept additional headers, what will be added to each HTTP request. So any ubcli command can be executed with additional headers. Example:
ubcli migrate -u root -headers "{\"X-Tenant-ID\": \"12\"}"

Fixed #

5.22.5 2022-04-29 #
  • check if server started in ubcli - account for tenantIDHeader

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.22.9 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)

Changed #

5.22.13 2022-04-25 #
  • Removed some ub-migrate warnings by removing obsolete method usages in custom yml formats.

@unitybase/org #

Added #

5.22.9 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.22.8 2022-04-27 #
  • UB.connect function can accept optional defHeaders: Object parameter - such headers will be added to each xhr request for this connection (after adding headers from UB.xhr.defaults). Object keys is header names. Example:
 const conn = UB.connect({ubHost, onCredentialRequired, defHeaders: {"X-Tenant-ID": "12"}})
5.22.4 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)

Fixed #

5.22.7 2022-04-20 #
  • republish Deutsch (de) locale (third try. prev. package publishing fails)
5.22.6 2022-04-20 #
  • republish Deutsch (de) locale (second try. prev. package publishing fails)
5.22.5 2022-04-20 #
  • republish Deutsch (de) locale (prev. package publishing fails)

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.22.29 2022-04-14 #
  • a new security option: security.disabledAccounts, which defines a regular expression for disabled accounts. This is useful for configuration with several UB instances, when some users shall be served by specific instance only. Example:
  "security": {
    "authenticationMethods": [
    "disabledAccounts": "^service\\..+"

Removed #

5.22.29 2022-04-14 #
  • App.addAppLevelMethod and App.serviceMethodByPassAuthentication methods are removed (marked as obsolete 3 years ago). App.registerEndpoint is used instead.

Fixed #

5.22.32 2022-04-25 #
  • Do NOT add by default "multitenancy" mixin to entities with Virtual and External datasource types
5.22.31 2022-04-20 #
  • Explicitly remove multitenancy mixin for every entity, if it is not enabled in the server configuration file
5.22.28 2022-04-08 #
  • environment variable replacer in meta file consider variable name contains only A-Za-z0-9_-#.@# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). characters. This fix replacing expressions in mapping what contains for example %symbol, like"expression": "(CONCAT('%', 'attr', '%'))"` )

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.22.9 2022-04-25 #
  • allow uba_user.getUserData for User role
5.22.7 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)
5.22.6 2022-04-14 #
  • uba_user.getUserData rest endpoint added - return a user data for third-party integrations using GET /rest/uba_user/getUserData
5.22.5 2022-04-08 #
  • access to uba_user.lastPasswordChangeDate attribute now restricted to Supervisor role members only

Changed #

5.22.8 2022-04-20 #
  • uba_subject - add metadata for DDL generator for multitenant environments

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.22.11 2022-04-25 #
  • migrate command new command line options:
    • noUpdateVersion flag, which allows executing migrations, but not update version in DB. This is useful for multistage migrations like in multi-tenant migration, and also for debug purposes.
    • noMigrationScripts flag, which skips the migration scripts. Useful, when need to executed DDL only, or data migrations only or in complex migration scenarios, like multi-tenant migrations.
  • A new command migrateTenants to help deal with complexity with migration tenants. The command assumes the DDL stage of migration is already done and migrates tenants one by one.

Changed #

5.22.13 2022-04-29 #
  • migrate command, when supplied with the "tenantID" parameter, will automatically set tenant host or tenantIDHeader, depending on server configuration
5.22.10 2022-04-20 #
  • Multi-tenancy: instead of enable/disable multi-tenancy, compare RLS policies on tables and compare has/does not have RLS enable flag on-off.

Fixed #

5.22.13 2022-04-29 #
  • check if server started in ubcli - account for tenantIDHeader
5.22.11 2022-04-25 #
  • Fix create tables in multi-tenant environments
  • Make ub_migration entity per-tenant
  • migrate command: when create ub_migration, account for multi-tenancy
5.22.10 2022-04-20 #
  • Multi-tenant environments - fix all indexes recreation regardless of changes in indexes
  • History mixin - index creation for entities without safeDelete mixin
5.22.7 2022-04-08 #
  • Init DB script for inserting roles and users - correct value in mi_unityEntity

@unitybase/ubm #

Added #

5.22.9 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.22.7 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)

@unitybase/ubs #

Added #

5.22.8 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)
5.22.7 2022-04-14 #
  • Message history (ubs_message form) - multilanguage message body support on the client. If the message body is an array with first element of type object then locale key is taken from this object by key in order: user language, default language, english. Example:
    "uk": "Текст українською: {0}",
    "en": "English text: {0}"
  ["dfx_validation.codeWithSpace","Mon Nov 08 2021 16:10:15 GMT+0200 (EET)"]

@unitybase/udisk #

Added #

5.22.7 2022-04-19 #
  • added Deutsch (de) locale (stub for a while)