@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

1.12.2 2020-07-26 #
  • UTable: new slot appendTable - rendered below the table and can be used as a table footer
  • UFile: additional param file to the beforeSetDocument hook
  • UFileInput improvement allows to use a control as independent file selection (for example to select files for import, select PKI key etc.):
    • new properties placeholder & selectedPlaceholder allows change text what displaying in case file(s) is not selected / selected
    • in case some files are selected it names are displayed behind selectedPlaceholder instead of placeholder
    • in case accept prop is not empty then allowed file types displayed after placeholder
    • v-model support
  • UToolbar: handler for showAccessRights action added for entities with aclRls mixin
  • lookups new helper method getEnum. It has 2 params eGroup, code. Example: this.$lookups.getEnum('AUDIT', 'INSERT')
1.12.1 2020-07-19 #
  • Vue.prototype.$formatByPattern which provides format methods from cs-shared. Example:
1.11.13 2020-07-15 #
  • new icons: u-icon-signature, u-icon-file-signature
  • actions column to SignatureVerificationResult dialog
  • @unitybase/adminui-vue exports magikLinks - instance of adminui-vue/utils/magicLinks.js
1.11.12 2020-07-08 #
  • new icons: photo and scan-settings
  • new css class .u-divider vertical split for buttons or something else
  • new component UFileMultiple: See documentation here
  • new BLOB-store related buttons. Can be used as a slots in: UFile, UFileMultiple or UFileCollection:
    • UFileAddButton
    • UFileDownloadButton
    • UFileRemoveButton
    • UFilePreviewButton
    • UFileScanButton
    • UFileScanSettingsButton
    • UFileWebcamButton
    • UFileFullscreenButton
  • UTableEntity: added conditions notEqual, notContains for filters with type Enum and Entity

Changed #

1.12.2 2020-07-26 #
  • UBaseInput: change default value for precision to undefined (instead of 0). If precision is not defined UBaseInput do not round a value for inputs of type number - only transform it into Number before emitting input event.
1.12.0 2020-07-16 #
  • BREAKING UB.conenction event <ENTITY_NAME>:changed payload is a single response (instead an array of responses as before)
1.11.13 2020-07-15 #
  • elementUI theme build is moved out of "build" script (into "build:el-node11" job). Compiled element theme is added into git. This allows to bootstrap a ubjs project using node>11.
  • UButton: text sizes changed according design-system
1.11.12 2020-07-08 #
1.11.11 2020-07-01 #
  • SignatureVerificationResult UI consider signature is valid even in case it is of type EU_SIGN_TYPE_CADES_C (ocspVerified===false)
  • --hs-warning color changed to me more close to yellow

Fixed #

1.12.3 2020-07-29 #
  • UMasterDetailView: added max detail height limit (75%). This fix issue when master table contains one or two rows and details expands on full view.
1.12.2 2020-07-26 #
  • UTableEntity: bottom pagination button for tables is centered on a current viewport, so visible even in case of many columns in table
  • UTableEntity: bottom pagination button is hidden in case next page is unavailable
  • UNavbar collapse button background color is bound to USidebar background.
  • UFile - use danger border color for UFile placed inside UFormRow what in error state
  • UBaseInput prevent error border around input in Firefox by changing default values for prop step="any" (instead of 1)
  • el-theme rebuild theme with actual css variables (uses the same colors for warning, prmary text and borders in El controls as for U controls)
1.12.1 2020-07-19 #
  • UTableEntity vertical align of inputs in filter is fixed by decreasing a size of the search button
  • UTableEntity will remove record from a table after deleting as expected
  • UTableEntity - fixed error during "copy record" what contains attributes of type JSON
  • USelectEntity - do not call a setQueryByValue in case dropdown is closed and user click outside USelectEntity
1.12.0 2020-07-16 #
  • UTableEntity in case of changes form with collection items does bnot empty rows anymore
  • UTableEntity and lookups will update all attributes during <ENTITY_NAME>:changed event instead of modified ones.
  • UTableEntity "copy record" does NOT copy arttributes of type Document (behavior is the same as in Ext-based table)
1.11.13 2020-07-15 #
  • UFileWebcamButton prevent error on iOS (Safari) getUserMedia of undefined
  • UAutoField property required does not passed to UFormRow component
  • UTableEntity: in case filter for String column is applied and user click on a column of type Entity and when back on String column filter input for string is not hiding
  • UFile now refresh iframe after value was changed, for example in case PDF is regenerated
1.11.12 2020-07-08 #
  • UGrid, UFormContainer: wrong declaration of provided property maxWidth
  • UTableEntity: total now formatted as number with a thousand separators
1.11.11 2020-07-01 #
  • UBaseInput in case type="number" prevent rounding before leave focus. This is a temporary solution to allow input of numbers with fraction starting with 0 (2.03)

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Changed #

5.13.28 2020-07-26 #
  • double-click on entity inside ER Diagram opens Vue base entity editor ubm_form-entityEdit. Previous implementation did such only in case UBDEV model (obsolete) is in the domain.
5.13.24 2020-07-08 #
  • optimization: removed global selectstart listener (ExtJS legacy for IE)

Removed #

5.13.28 2020-07-26 #
  • ExtJS based entity editor is removed (obsolete) in flavor of Vue based ubm_form-entityEdit

Fixed #

5.13.26 2020-07-16 #
  • fixed removing two rows in ubDetailGrid after execute delete action in row created by addNewByCurrent action
5.13.25 2020-07-15 #
  • correct layout re-rendering after window orientation changed in Safari(iOS)
  • $App.scan can accept 'TIFF' or 'PDF' as second parameter (in addition to 'JPEG') - this allows override default scn result type

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Changed #

5.3.3 2020-07-08 #
  • ESLint warnings resolved (no functional changes)

Fixed #

5.4.0 2020-07-15 #
  • for attributes of "Document" type if store name is empty then name of the default store MUST be written to DB instead of empty string. This allows to add another default store (mounted to another fs for example) and access documents from previous store definition. Fixed regression introduced in UB 4.

@unitybase/cdn #

Removed #

5.4.20 2020-07-08 #
  • unused csv data cdn_bank.csv, cdn_deptype.csv, cdn_orgbusinesstype.csv, cdn_orgownershiptype.csv, cdn_staffunittype.csv are deleted

Fixed #

5.4.26 2020-07-29 #
  • cdn_orgaccount: allow null for currencyID attribute (milty-currency accounts)
  • cdn_orgaccount: added default value for acctype = CORR

@unitybase/compressors #

Changed #

5.1.33 2020-07-26 #
  • building of native code depend on LCL
5.1.32 2020-07-19 #
  • building of native code does not depends on lazarus (fpc is enough)

Removed #

5.1.33 2020-07-26 #
  • cross-compilation from Windows to Linux is removed - use linux build environment to build both Win64 & Linux tagrets

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Added #

5.5.1 2020-07-26 #
  • documentation for __skipSelectBeforeUpdate CustomRepository.misc flag (added in UB@5.18.9)
5.5.0 2020-07-19 #
  • @unitybase/cs-shared/formatByPattern.setDefaultLang function - set a default language. Called by AsyncConnection automatically.
  • @unitybase/cs-shared/formatByPattern.collationCompare function - compare two value using default language. This function allows correct string sorting for non-english languages.
5.4.1 2020-07-01 #
  • UBEntity.isManyManyRef property added. true in case this is many-to-many relation table for storing values of attributes of "Many" type.

Changed #

5.5.0 2020-07-19 #
  • formatByPattern.formatNumber & formatByPattern.formatDate without language parameter uses default language defined by call to formatByPattern.setDefaultLang

Fixed #

5.5.1 2020-07-26 #
  • force numeric: true for Intl.Collator(lang, { numeric: true }). For en this is not necessary, but for uk without forcing numeric numbers compared as strings.

@unitybase/mailer #

Changed #

5.3.2 2020-07-26 #
  • building of native code depend on LCL
5.3.0 2020-07-15 #
  • building of native code does not depend on lazarus (fpc is enough)

Removed #

5.3.2 2020-07-26 #
  • cross-compilation from Windows to Linux is removed - use linux build environment to build both Win64 & Linux targets

Fixed #

5.3.0 2020-07-15 #
  • remove exception _bt is not defined in case @unitybase/mailer is not compiled (lerna bootstrap on the machine where fpc is not installed). In this case server output warning UBMail is not compiled to console and continue execution.

@unitybase/openid-connect #

Added #

5.1.20 2020-07-15 #
  • support for ADFS3 (Windows Server 2012 only - in Windows Server 2016+ ADFS version is 2016):
    • added providerConfig.resource - requested resource
    • providerConfig.client_secret can be omitted

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Added #

5.5.18 2020-07-29 #
  • ub-pub now exports a CryptoJS instance (included modules are enc-base64, sha256, md5)
  • enc-base64 module added to CryptoJS instance. Available as UB.CryptoJS.enc.Base64.
5.5.16 2020-07-19 #
  • AsyncConnection.runTrans method will add a method names into post request URL (the same as AsyncConnection.query), so request become POST /ubql?rq=entity1.method1*entity2.method2.
  • AsyncConnection will call @unitybase/cs-shared.formatByPattern.setDefaultLang during user session creation. This enables string sorting according to locale and allow calling of formatByPattern.formatNumber & formatByPattern.formatDate without language parameter (user language will be used).

Changed #

5.5.14 2020-07-01 #
  • translation for ocspVerified.no changed to "Not for long-term validation (certificate validation result NOT included into signature)"

Fixed #

5.5.18 2020-07-29 #
  • allows to encode a non-english passwords for UBLDAP auth by using base64 from CryptoJS instead of btoa in AsyncConnection. This fix error "String contains an invalid character" in case password contains non-english letters. From a server side UTF8 LDAP password support is added in UB@5.18.10
5.5.17 2020-07-26 #
  • fixed missed localization for Select device caption on @ub-d/iit-sign-web/IitReadPk.vue form
  • prevent sets of connection.domain to null in case onGotApplicationDomain handler is passed to AsyncConection.connect and implementation do not return domain
  • for cached entities ClientRepository will automatically adds attributes what used in where/order but missed in fieldList. This fix [#107]. WARNING - this operation mutate fieldList, so result can contains additional attributes, not listed in .attrs() calls
    UB.Repository('ubm_enum').attrs('name').where('code', '=', 'INSERT').orderBy('ID').select().then(console.table)
    // result contains `ID, code, name` instead of `name` only 
    // [{ID: 333742612906169, code: "INSERT", name: "Insert"}]
  • i18n for Select key media
  • i18n Ukrainian for Реєстрація нового сертифікату -> Реєстрація нового сертифіката
5.5.16 2020-07-19 #
  • rq parameter value for AsyncConnection.runTrans or buffered AsyncConnection.query requests takes into account the same method calls sequences to use such names once. Also, limits methods count to 20 methods ( max 20*41=820 characters ). This fix situation when long URLs are rejected by reverse proxy. For example for sequence of 3 call to UB.connection.query({entity: 'uba_user', method: 'addnew'}) previous implementation generate POST /ubql?rq=uba_user.addnew*uba_user.addnew*uba_user.addnew, but new - POST /ubql?rq=uba_user.addnew*3

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.5.8 2020-07-16 #
  • Unix Domain Socket configuration notes added to the ubConfig.schema

Fixed #

5.5.11 2020-07-28 #
  • show correct JS exception with trace in case domain transformation hook broke some entities
5.5.8 2020-07-16 #
  • RLS.allowForAdminOwnerAndAdmTable (used in ubm_desktop & ubm_navshortcut RLS) take into account user groups, so Groups can be added to shortcut permissions

@unitybase/uba #

Fixed #

5.4.24 2020-07-28 #
  • TOTP (Google Authenticator) One Time Password verification fixed to allow up to (inclusive) 90 second shift between the server and a caller. Because of arithmetic mistake previous implementation validate correctly only up to (but not inclusive) +-30 second shift.

@unitybase/ubcli #

Fixed #

5.6.0 2020-07-16 #
  • ubcli generateNginxCfg: in case httpServer.host is a Unix Domain Socket (unix:/path/to/file.socket) move it to nginx upstream config as is (without trying to url.parse it)
  • ubcli generateNginxCfg: adds Access-Control-Allow-Origin for internal location in case CORS is allowed and client request contains Origin: header. Without these changes internal location ignores Access-Control-* headers generated by server, so cross origin clients can't retrieve a document content.
5.5.19 2020-07-01 #
  • prevent generation of many-to-many table (storage for attributes of "Many" type) twice in case associationManyData property starts with entity name

@unitybase/udisk #

Added #

5.0.137 2020-07-28 #
  • added new attributes objectID and objectEntity into udisk_card for further integration with the Scriptum system
  • rewritten form opening by double click on file