UDropdown:customClass prop added - allows set a custom CSS class for u-dropdown
UTableEntity store: new mutation CLEAR_FILTER allows clear current filters set
UCheckbox - new component. Styled <input type="checkbox">
URadio - new component. Wrapper for groups consisting of styled <input type="radio">
UCron - new component. An easy compilation cron expression. Can convert cron expression into a human-readable string
if @unitybase/adminui-pub is available
new icons: u-icon-download-with-signatures, u-icon-upload-with-signatures and u-icon-view-signatures
new parameter uiSettings.adminUI.supportMailTo in ubConfig.json: if sets - enables a button on the error message what allow sends error text to support
UBaseLocaleButton, which is does not depend on Vuex store in any way and provides UI for editing translations.
That allows building interfaces for cases like translations of JSON unstructured data.
Registered ULocaleButton and UBaseLocaleButton as Vue controls
UTableEntity - update total items on pagination, after added or removed item
UTableEntity store: new mutation SELECT_ROW_BY_INDEX allows select record by row index
UTableEntity: in case record disappears from the store after refresh, sort or filtering,
selection will be restored by row index before store state changed.
BREAKING: renamed LocaleButton.vue to ULocaleButton.vue. If component was required directly as a file,
it is better to use ULocaleButton registered Vue component now.
UBDocument: added public property urlParams that can be defined at client forms,
and it will be added to getDocument request URL formed by UBDocument, so in the server logs the source of getDocument can be tracked
the readPKCanceled client localization key has been duplicated in the adminui-pub and ub-pub packages.
One of them has been renamed to userOperationCanceled, which matches its translation.