@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.23.50 2023-03-23 #
  • new icon: u-icon-chat-gpt
5.23.47 2023-03-08 #
  • Support scenario, when on a form record is saved, but the current user lost access to it. The form MUST use the LOST_ACCESS mutation so set the flag, which activates the behavior:
    • do not throw the documentNotFound exception, because server did not return result after saving the form
    • close the form on save Form mounting now assign $formServices to store, so that store has power of closing forms. While it is a practice to implement whole scenarios as store actions, including using confirmation dialogs, it shall be ok to also closing forms there.
  • Add transformSaveRequest function to processing, which allows, for the first, order requests. It is crucial, for example, to track requests, which revokes access from the current user, because it is possible that in between requests user lost access to a document, and rest requests won't be handled. So such kind of requests might be just put in the end of the request list. But potentially, this function allows a lot of flexibility.

Removed #

5.23.47 2023-03-08 #
  • Form processing: the beforeMaster flag support

Fixed #

5.23.50 2023-03-23 #
  • UTableEntity: fixed single record update in grids that include grouping-dependent functions in the fieldList such as MAX, etc.
5.23.49 2023-03-11 #
  • UTableEntity: fixed filters re-selection (regression from 5.23.46)
  • UTableEntity: fixed "range" attribute use inside date filter, when each subsequent use of the filter increases the range by 1 day
5.23.48 2023-03-10 #
  • UChart: Fixed an error when rendering in dev mode, added an if statement to the watch to ensure that ChartJs is available before attempting to render the chart.
5.23.47 2023-03-08 #
  • processing store module, the save action now check dirty status of the form - if the form state is not dirty, nothing happens, and client code now does not have to do that check
  • UNavbarUserButton: made user icon to be a circle 36x36 instead of ellipse 34x36
5.23.46 2023-03-01 #
  • UTableEntity: not restore the filter value after removing a filter with the same column and condition. Fixed by removing side effects of a Vue computed value [LDOC-2919]

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.23.44 2023-03-10 #
  • added ELS rule CND_FTS_USERS for cdn*.fts - allow full text search for CDN model entities for any user

@unitybase/compressors #

Added #

5.23.13 2023-03-23 #
  • added support for ZIP Unicode Path Extra Field (non-english letters in file names)

Removed #

5.23.12 2023-03-11 #
  • removed unneeded jszip and pizzip dev dependencies

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Fixed #

5.23.11 2023-03-08 #
  • LocalDataStorage: allow attributes in orderList, what wrapped in []

@unitybase/logview #

Fixed #

1.0.25 2023-03-01 #
  • logView: fix online log retrieving for server on Windows

@unitybase/org #

Added #

5.23.50 2023-03-11 #
  • added user friendly error messages for LocalOrgManager role
5.23.46 2023-03-01 #
  • added ELS permission for OrganizationManager to cdn_contact (organization contacts)

Changed #

5.23.47 2023-03-02 #
  • skip local administrator restrictions for SuperUser

Fixed #

5.23.47 2023-03-02 #
  • org_unit.checkPermissionForOrgUnit: fixed error when creating new org_unit records by a user with localOrgManager role

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.24.16 2023-03-11 #
  • min. server version requirement is 5.23.4

Changed #

5.24.15 2023-03-10 #
  • aclRls mixin skipIfFn and subjectIDsFn functions signature changed:
    • subjectIDsFn(ctx, mixinCfg) -> subjectIDsFn(mixinCfg)
    • skipIfFn(ctx) -> skipIfFn()

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.23.39 2023-03-01 #
  • added ELS rule for full access of Supervisor role to uba_usercertificate
  • added read ELS permission for User to ub_blobHisroty (read available revisions for BLOB item)

@unitybase/ubcli #

Changed #

5.24.12 2023-03-08 #
  • MS SQL: allow unique index on nullable columns {"isUnique": true, "allowNull": true} by adding where attr IS NOT NULL part. Other RDBMS allow such indexes w/o where condition

Removed #

5.24.12 2023-03-08 #
  • unneeded pgSQL functions f_to_char is removed. DDL generator uses []::text transformation instead. Will be applied for new initDB executions.

Fixed #

5.24.11 2023-03-01 #
  • Scenario when generateDDL processes a new multi-language attribute, which does not allow null values