@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

1.13.13 2020-10-20 #
  • UNavbar show tooltip on tabs in case caption length > 18
1.13.12 2020-10-15 #
  • $App.showAuditTrail method added - used in both adminui-vue and adminui-pub to show audit trail for instance
  • UTableEntity - added data history mixin support
  • UTableEntity - new slots for data history mixin:
    • toolbarDropdownSummary to replace in toolbar dropdown
    • contextMenuDataHistory to replace in context menu
  • replaceShowList: provide onSelectRecord prop to UTableEntity
  • UTable, UTableEntity: caption "No data" in case has no data in table
  • Form: pass param store in hooks beforeInit and inited
  • UButton added an outline to the focused button

Changed #

1.13.13 2020-10-20 #
  • Form/validation building of validation() rules takes into account only fields what included into masterFieldList (if passed). Before this fix all entity attributes with defaultView && !allowNull are included.
  • UTable: cells left/right padding decreased from 16 to 8px; row top/bottom paddings decreased from 12 to 10px; This allows fit more data on the screen without negative UX effect (verified on laptops and tablets)
  • UToolbar audit table opens in separate tab
  • audit table save in localStorage last preview mode and active filters
  • Form, UTableEntity if table or form opened as modal then all child tables and forms are also opened as modals
1.13.12 2020-10-15 #
  • UDropdown close on press esc button
  • instance audit trail list now filtered by parentEntityInfo_id, so shows audit for all related entities where parentIdentifier & parentEntity is configured
  • BREAKING UButton default color is changed from primary to control. The reason - only one primary button should be on the form.
  • diologYesNo focus "No" action by default

Removed #

1.13.12 2020-10-15 #
  • fts table: audit action is removed (fts is not an audit subject)

Fixed #

1.13.13 2020-10-20 #
  • Excel export from UTableEntity - fixed format for Date and Boolean attributes
  • prevent error Cannot read property 'scrollIntoView' of undefined during navbar tab closing (occurs for Ext based forms with close confirmation)
1.13.12 2020-10-15 #
  • adjust ub-icons size to be the same for all icons
  • UTableEntity -> toolbar show scrollbar in case toolbar content is overflowed
  • fts table: edit action now uses onBuildEditConfig handler, so work in the same way as for other entities lists
  • UTableEntity: change color of the selected card to be darker
  • UTableEntity/updateData: prevent error on updating data for cached entity

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

5.13.43 2020-10-15 #
  • $App.showAuditTrail method added - used in both adminui-vue and adminui-pub to show audit trail for instance

Changed #

5.13.43 2020-10-15 #
  • instance audit trail list now filtered by parentEntityInfo_id, so shows audit for all related entities where parentIdentifier & parentEntity is configured
  • transformation timeout for /ocr/transform XHR request for $App.scan() increased to 10 minutes (from default 2 minutes). This allows recognizing big or complex documents.

Fixed #

5.13.44 2020-10-20 #
  • Ext based grid multi-filter: checking date value is valid before filtering into ubdetailgrid
5.13.43 2020-10-15 #
  • shortcut form: error on change data of shortcut which has type "folder"

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.4.38 2020-10-20 #
  • added DB index by cdn_organization.name

@unitybase/cs-shared #

Changed #

5.5.6 2020-10-15 #
  • improved error message for Repository.where with unknown condition (wrong condition included in error text)

@unitybase/org #

Added #

5.4.8 2020-10-20 #
  • new attribute org_execgroup.groupType ('*' by default) to separate groups by business logic

Changed #

5.4.8 2020-10-20 #
  • ORG model now uses ub-migrate for adding/updating ORG related enums

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.6.7 2020-10-20 #
  • SUFFIXES dbExtension type added to entity schema (UB>=5.18.15)
5.6.6 2020-10-15 #
  • ignoreCollation attribute property added to entity metadata schema

Removed #

5.6.7 2020-10-20 #
  • ignoreCollation attribute property removed (in flavor of SUFFIXES extension)

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.4.34 2020-10-15 #
  • uba_advSecurity: ukrainian localization
  • uba_group: azerbaijani localization
  • Audit Trail shortcut: added columns Parent entity name, Request ID and Parent instance ID
  • an optional parameter userId added to uba_opt.verifyTotp function. This allows verifying TOTP for user other when currently logged in.

Changed #

5.4.34 2020-10-15 #
  • uba* navshotrcut initialization uses ub-migrate instead of handmade script
  • Audit Trail form rewrite from Ext to Vue

Fixed #

5.4.34 2020-10-15 #
  • uba_group-fm.def: title and description localization

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.7.7 2020-10-20 #
  • DDL generator: added storage table generation for SUFFIX indexes.
  • added a SUFFIX indexes initialization script generator (SQL SERVER for a while)
    ub ./node_modules/@unitybase/ubcli/lib/flow/genSuffixesIndexInitScript.js -u root [-env ubConfig.env] [-e entity] [-m models] [-cfg path/to/ubConfig.json]
  • ubcli createCodeInsightHelper added types definition for entity attributes. The type name is _.camelCase(entityName) + Attr (uba_auditTrail -> ubaAuditTrailAttr). This allows to declare a variable as:
    /** @type ubaUserAttrs */
    const userExecParams = {}
    useruserExecParams.name = 12333
    and IDE (at last in WebStorm) adds a code insight and type checking
5.7.6 2020-10-15 #

Fixed #

5.7.7 2020-10-20 #
  • SQL Server: prevent create FullText Catalogue in case IsFullTextInstalled is false (localDB for example)

@unitybase/ubm #

Changed #

5.4.19 2020-10-15 #
  • scanner settings form rewritten to vue

Deprecated #

5.4.19 2020-10-15 #
  • ABBY settings is removed from scanner settings form - use OCR service instead of ABBY

@unitybase/udisk #

Changed #

5.0.146 2020-10-15 #
  • application.blobStores section now defined in model partial config and automatically merged into main config (starting from ub@5.18.12). See README.md for environment variables list.