@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.23.35 2022-12-26 #
  • UTableEntity - added text of shortcut into toolbar buttons hint Refresh -> Refresh (Ctrl + R), Add -> Add (Ctrl + Ins)
  • added new component UImageViewer with advanced full-screen preview (zooming, flipping, rotation)
5.23.34 2022-12-14 #
  • USelectEntity: new property pageSize - lookup pagination size. Default is 20
  • new CSS modifier u-form-layout--on_top - can be used together with u-form-layout to remove top form padding. Useful in case first form element is tab panel what have its own top padding
  class="u-form-layout u-form-layout--on_top"
  • UFileMultiple: the additionSidebar slot for adding some content aside from the main content view
  • UFileCollection: the activeRowSidebar slot for the ability to edit some collection item non-file attributes aside from the file content view. The slot is placed based on the value of the sidebarPosition prop
  <template #activeRowSidebar="{data, setData}">
    <u-form-row label="tst_attachment.notes">
        @input="setData('notes', $event)"
    <u-form-row label="tst_attachment.enumValue">
        @input="setData('enumValue', $event)"
  • URadio: new property alignto change the orientation of elements horizontal / vertical

Changed #

5.23.35 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization
  • UFile* uses new UImageViewer component for preview mode
  • UFile* - preview of PDF now shown in native browser <dialog>
5.23.34 2022-12-14 #
  • USelectMany - allow use valueAttribute of type string (in addition to Number) as in USelectMultiple
  • UFieldSet - header/footer height decreased by 8px to be ~ the same height as other U- controls
  • UGrid - default columnGap changed from 20px to 1rem. Become a little smaller, but using rem instead of px allows UI theme to be adoptive to global font-size
  • UCheckbox- display changed to inline-block to correct element width

Fixed #

5.23.34 2022-12-14 #
  • UFileMultiple: set the last item as active after uploading files
5.23.32 2022-12-01 #
  • UTableEntity filter: for columns based on "Many" attribute and condition "oneOf" search button now disabled in case value for filtration is not selected
  • UCheckbox on forms with scrollbar: fixed unexpected form size changing while clicking on checkbox if it is placed in the end of the form

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Changed #

5.24.21 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization

@unitybase/cdn #

Added #

5.23.32 2022-12-14 #
  • new cdn_bank.syncWithNBU method to add missed Ukrainian banks from service, provided by National Bank Of Ukraine

Changed #

5.23.34 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization
5.23.32 2022-12-14 #
  • decrease top padding of Person/Employee/Department/Organization forms by use new u-form-layout--on_top modifier for u-form-layout

@unitybase/logview #

Added #

1.0.13 2022-12-14 #
  • added "Clear filter" button

Fixed #

1.0.16 2022-12-27 #
  • fixed Started time and RPS statistic calculation for logs, created on Windows (with environment variables in 3d line)
1.0.13 2022-12-14 #
  • fixed duration calculation in "Top 1000 methods" for methods, what took longer than 99 second
  • fixed error opening second file in case already opened file is big

@unitybase/mailer #

Fixed #

5.23.10 2022-12-14 #
  • name of mail attachment calculated in order: attachName, if not exists then atachName if not exist then name of file in store. This fix attachment names for calls where attachments[].atachName is omitted
  to: "...",
  subject: "...",
  body: "....",
  attachments: [{attachName: 'AttachName.pdf', data: res}]

@unitybase/org #

Added #

5.23.34 2022-12-01 #
  • org_department added slot for extending data. Usage example - https://git-pub.intecracy.com/unitybase/docflow/-/merge_requests/6230/diffs

Changed #

5.23.38 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization
5.23.36 2022-12-14 #
  • decrease top padding of Department/Organization/Profession/StaffUnit forms by use new u-form-layout--on_top modifier for u-form-layout

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Changed #

5.23.16 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.24.6 2022-12-20 #
  • added documentation for new events App.on( commit:before, commit:after, rollback:before, rollback:after

Changed #

5.24.7 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization
5.24.6 2022-12-20 #
  • for server @5.22.23 App.endpointContext variable now by native code after all RDBMS connections are committed/rollbacks. For server before @5.22.23 old behavior (cleaning before commit\rollback) remains
  • dependency from @unitybase/ub, @unitybase/cs-schared and @unitybase/base are moved into devDependencies for most of @unitybase/* packages. This prevents all packages to be republished by lerna in case one of base packages is changed

@unitybase/uba #

Changed #

5.23.31 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization

@unitybase/ubcli #

Fixed #

5.24.5 2022-12-26 #
  • DDL generator - prevent foreign key generation in case associatedEntity data source type (dsType) is Virtual or External

@unitybase/ubm #

Changed #

5.23.34 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization
5.23.32 2022-12-14 #
  • ubm_desktop-scanerSettings-fm.vue reworked - change el- on u- components

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.23.33 2022-12-14 #
  • new mailer config parameter customSettings.mailerConfig.repeatSendingOnError (env UB_SMTP_REPEAT_ON_ERROR). If false (default) ubq_message item is marked as success even in case of mail message sending error (for example, invalid user etc.). If true - ubq_message item marked as success only if SMTP server accept letter.

Changed #

5.23.35 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization

@unitybase/ubs #

Changed #

5.23.32 2022-12-26 #
  • Azerbaijani (az) localization