@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Added #

4.2.48 2018-01-30 #
  • add line numbering for rowEditing ubdetailgrid
4.2.45 2018-01-10 #
  • Firing of BasePanel beforeRefresh event
  • ubdetailgrid: set allowBlank=false for row editor fields in case allowNull===false in meta files
  • ubcombobox: function getFieldValue - Get field value by name from fieldList
  • set hideTrigger: true by default for auto generated componets for numeric attributes
4.2.43 2018-01-03 #
  • translation for mi_modifyDate to global level of i18n

Changed #

4.2.45 2018-01-10 #
  • UBDocument.forceMIME is DEPRECATED and not handled anymore.
  • UBApp.runShortcutCommand now can accept a shortcut code to run

To use in ubm_navshortcut place this code to the ubm_navshortcut.cmdCode attribute:

  {cmdType: 'showForm', formCode: function () { $App.runShortcutCommand('sia_docPayOrderOut') }}
4.2.45 2018-01-10 #
  • ubm_navshortcut not not load cmdData attribute during startup, because this is CLOB, and fetching all CLOBS from table is very slow (at last for Oracle)
4.2.43 2018-01-03 #
  • in case entityGridPanel columns caption is empty set it to UB.i18n(attributeCode) Usable for translating mixin's attributes like mi_date* etc.

Fixed #

4.2.48 2018-01-30 #
  • setValue() in ubcobbobox on ubdetailgrid with rowEditing plugin if use 'Select from dictionary'
  • clearValue() in ubcobbobox befor row edit on ubdetailgrid with rowEditing plugin
  • entitygridpanel filters configuraion loading in case no filters is stored
4.2.45 2018-01-10 #
  • EntityGridPanel Export to Excel action now enabled even in standard edition, since xlsx module added to adminui-pub as chunk
4.2.44 2018-01-04 #
  • set currency sign to '' for all languages to pass form validation for Currency attributes
4.2.43 2018-01-03 #
  • fix "Change's history" action executed from entityGridPanel in case fieldList already contains mi_date[From|To] in extended format {name: 'mi_dateFrom', description: UB.i18n('mi_dateFrom')}

@unitybase/base #

Added #

5.0.0 2018-01-15 #
  • UBEntity.isUnity property added
  • SyncConnection.getDocument method
4.2.24 2018-01-03 #
  • dataLoader module, method lookup now supports optional parameter doNotUseCache, which allows loading hierarchical data, with references to itself, when each next row may point to previous rows in CSV or array. NOTE: use transLen = 1 for such scenarios, otherwise it won't work, because lookup would happen before parent rows inserted

Changed #

4.2.27 2018-01-08 #
  • allow blank for mi_dateTo record history mixin attribute on browser side (but for DDL generator mi_dateTo must be not null, so for non-browser keep it as is)

Fixed #

4.2.26 2018-01-08 #
  • entity localization files *.meta.lang now can contains attributes section defined as array
"attributes": [{"name": "arrtCode", ...}, ...]

(object also supported)

@unitybase/cdn #

Changed #

4.0.48 2018-01-04 #
  • initial data for cdn_currency updated to actual currencies list

@unitybase/ubm #

Changed #

4.0.48 2018-01-10 #
  • ubm_navshortcut now not cached on entity level (admin UI cache it using it own mechanism) This change is required to prevent massive CLOB fetching (cmdData attribute)

@unitybase/ubs #

Changed #

4.1.41 2018-01-25 #
  • ubs_report.ID now calculated as crc32(file-name-without-extension) as in ubm_form