@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Fixed #

5.24.5 2024-02-23 #
  • UNavbar (list of tabs): use fixed height of 56px - Ext do not understand auto
5.24.4 2024-02-21 #
  • WebDav URL generated by adminuiVue.webDav.getURI/openInApp now contains urlEncoded file name, original fileName can contain chars what not valid from HTTP URL point of view, for example - spaces or non-latin chars
  • UNavbar (list of tabs): fixed overlapping of tabs by horizontal scrolling (height of the navigation bar is now auto)
5.24.2 2024-02-09 #
  • WebDav - allow opening files with names longer than 100 characters. For such files, the WebDav URL will contain a shortened file name (extra characters are replaced with ~1)

Chores #

5.24.3 2024-02-17 #
  • UCheckbox UI widget documentation improved - added checking confirmation example

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Changed #

5.24.75 2024-02-17 #
  • EntityGridPanel: initial filter condition for columns of type string changed from contains to startWith for performance reasons
  • format of the error message "Record locked by another user". Added link to locked record
5.24.74 2024-02-09 #
  • UBDetailTree - deletion confirmation text changed to include node type been deleted, example: Are you shure? -> The record will be deleted from 'EntityCaptionHere'. Are you sure?

Fixed #

5.24.74 2024-02-09 #
  • Orantograms: fixed set of parent in case Org. structure node is created from Orantogram element popup
  • Orantograms: nodes now limited by ['ORG', 'DEP', 'STAFF'] Unit types - Organizations, departments and positions

@unitybase/base #

Changed #

5.24.2 2024-02-09 #
  • SyncConnection: UB/UBLDAP authorization now send password and clientNonce in JSON body of 2nd /auth POST request instead of parameters in URI. This prevents exposing sensitive information in URL which could be logged in proxy etc. Require UB server to be >= 5.24.5

@unitybase/org #

Changed #

5.24.2 2024-02-09 #
  • parentID field filtration in org_organization-fm.vue org_department-fm.vue org_staffunit-fm.vue. Now we give access only to organization units with org_unit.unitType in 'ORG', 'DEP', 'STAFF'

Removed #

5.24.2 2024-02-09 #

git s

Fixed #

5.24.3 2024-02-17 #
  • org_departnment form: sorting for parent organization and department type dropdowns by name/caption instead of ID
5.24.2 2024-02-09 #
  • LocalOrgManager: prevent error on modify org_unit.mi_treePath for the safely deleted records. (In case of modifying parentID for the parent record of a safely deleted child record)

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Changed #

5.24.3 2024-02-17 #
  • AsyncConnection.xhr / AsyncConnection.post will add Content-Type: application/octet-stream header in case data is File Content-Type header is not specified. Works in browser (there is no File object in Node.js). This prevents unnecessary logging of binary data on server.
5.24.2 2024-02-09 #
  • AsyncConnection: UB/UBLDAP authorization now send password and clientNonce in JSON body of 2nd /auth POST request instead of parameters in URI. This prevents exposing sensitive information in URL which could be logged in proxy etc. Require UB server to be >= 5.24.5

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.25.19 2024-02-09 #
  • ubConfig.schema: added description for new parameter application.customSettings.csvExport.doNotEscapeFormulas

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.25.20 2024-02-17 #
  • ubcli initialize now can accept -l command line parameter to execute only localizations script from models _initialData/locale folders

Removed #

5.25.21 2024-02-21 #
  • SQL Server db initialization: removed obsolete procedure dbo.ub_TreePath

Fixed #

5.25.21 2024-02-21 #
  • DDL generator: added creation of an index for attributes of type "Entity" if the attribute has the value allowNull: true and dbExtensions contains a unique index in which the same attribute is the first (example: bpm_Task_ppt.objectID). Usually we do not create a separate index by column in such case, but for MS/PG ddl generator extends unique index from dbExtensions with filter: "attr is not null", so usual index also needed
  • DDL generator: fixed partial index re-creation in case there is spaces in filter definition
  • DDL generator: ignore order of items in index include while comparing (some databases returns included columns in alphabetic order) This prevents re-creating indexes with non-ordered include in *.meta

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.24.3 2024-02-17 #
  • Own blob store for mail attachments. In the previous implementation, the default blob store is taken. It may produce unexpectable behavior if the default store has toPDF transformation, .etc

@unitybase/ubs #

Changed #

5.24.3 2024-02-17 #
  • format of the error message "Record locked by another user". Added link to locked record.

Fixed #

5.24.3 2024-02-17 #
  • SoftLockMixin: restored deprecated properties ResultLock.lockUser and ResultLock.lockTime for compatibility