@unitybase/adminui-vue #

Added #

5.23.68 2023-07-31 #
  • adminui-vue now exports functions to work with WebDav - see require('@unitybase/adminui-vue).webDav
  • processing.copied: pass parent record ID as second argument into a copied hook on new form

Changed #

5.23.65 2023-07-05 #
  • added .eslintrc what defines $App as global (for historical reason)

Removed #

5.23.68 2023-07-31 #
  • adminu-vue/utils/MSOfficeAppSelector.js is removed. require('@unitybase/adminui-vue).webDav should be used to open in app / get a permalink for WebDav

Fixed #

5.23.67 2023-07-21 #
  • UImageViewer: zIndex of viewer element if some ancestor is dialog. It should be bigger, so be calculated later than in an ancestor dialog
5.23.66 2023-07-13 #
  • UFileDictaphoneButton: fixed screen lock in case of no microphone, fixed typo in localization keys
5.23.65 2023-07-05 #
  • USelectEntity, USelectMultiple: prevent mutating of custom repository passed to repository prop

@unitybase/adminui-pub #

Changed #

5.24.45 2023-07-05 #
  • files auto-reformatted to match current eslint rules

@unitybase/adminui-reg #

Removed #

5.23.59 2023-07-05 #
  • obsolete code for modules entrypoint is removed - ubcli linkStatis do everything we need

@unitybase/base #

Changed #

5.23.21 2023-07-05 #
  • suppressed false-positive eslint errors (no functional changes)

@unitybase/blob-stores #

Changed #

5.23.25 2023-07-05 #
  • resolved eslint errors

@unitybase/cdn #

Changed #

5.23.62 2023-07-31 #
  • re-generated cdn model entities stubs with latest entities definition and improved JSDoc
5.23.58 2023-07-05 #
  • files auto-reformatted to match current eslint rules

@unitybase/codemirror-full #

Changed #

1.4.4 2023-07-05 #
  • resolved eslint errors

@unitybase/compressors #

Fixed #

5.23.14 2023-07-05 #
  • resolved eslint errors

@unitybase/logview #

Added #

1.1.0 2023-07-13 #
  • in-app LogViewer: new action Send to developers added (click on file icon click in server files list). Feature works only for registered IP addresses, so before use it customer must notify unitybase.info maintainer about server public IP
  • LogViewer at https://unitybase.info/logview/ can now open log files from the location where customers put it using the 'Send to developers' action. The option is available from inside the VPN.

Changed #

1.1.1 2023-07-18 #
  • filter and search string in LogView now interpreted as case-insensitive RegExp
1.1.0 2023-07-13 #
  • rest/log_view/logsList response format changed to match nginx autoindex_format json

Fixed #

1.1.1 2023-07-18 #
  • stand-alone LogView now can open gzipped files directly (without unpacking)
  • fixed opening local file in minimized LogView

@unitybase/mailer #

Fixed #

5.23.15 2023-07-05 #
  • fixed eslint errors in mailer autotests

@unitybase/org #

Changed #

5.23.68 2023-07-31 #
  • re-generated org model entities stubs with latest entities definition and improved JSDoc

Fixed #

5.23.67 2023-07-21 #
  • org_staffunit - prevent loading record in insert:after event handler, when parentID is null
5.23.64 2023-07-05 #
  • resolved eslint errors

@unitybase/pdf #

Fixed #

5.3.3 2023-07-05 #
  • code reformatted / resolved ESLint errors

@unitybase/redis #

Added #

5.23.2 2023-07-13 #
  • added optional parameter connSettings.dbIndex for RedisClient constructor. If specified and > 0 then client will call SELECT dbIndex command just after connect - select an active database. See https://redis.io/commands/select/

@unitybase/ub-pub #

Fixed #

5.23.30 2023-07-05 #
  • ESLint's errors are resolved

@unitybase/ub #

Added #

5.25.2 2023-07-31 #
  • App.authFromRequest: added 3d optional parameter - fallbackAuthToken. If passed - will be used by UB schema authorization if no other token (in headers\cookies\session_signature URI parameter) found (works for UB server 5.23.10)
5.25.1 2023-07-21 #
  • all calls of App, Session and all entities event handlers (like insert:before etc.) now written into log on Trace level (new feature of EventEmitter in server 5.23.9) It's recommended to use a named functions for handlers, like uba_userCertificate.on('insert:after', function defineCertProps() {}) instead of anonymous function uba_userCertificate.on('insert:after', () => {}). This allows to log a handler name/ Calls of handlers, what added using App.wrapEnterLeaveForUbMethod is not traced by EventEmitter, since it calls is already traced by App.logEnter/Leave
5.25.0 2023-07-18 #
  • added new columns ub_version.initialVersion && ub_version.initializedAt. Will be filled by ubcli migrate on first run
5.24.28 2023-07-13 #
  • new method App.blobStores.getContentPathAndBlobInfo - returns both contentPath (as well as blobStores.getContentPath) and blobInfo (JSON stored in the DB)
  • JSON schema for ubConfig.json extended by redis parameters for sessions and global cache (introduced in UB@5.23.7)
  • new methods App.memCacheGet/App.memCachePut - get/put value from memory cache. Memory cache shared between all threads of current instance. If you are completely sure that the value should be used by only one instance, use this function, otherwise use `globalCacheGet/Put'

Changed #

5.25.2 2023-07-31 #
  • re-generated ub model entities stubs with latest entities definition and improved JSDoc
5.24.28 2023-07-13 #
  • improved App.reloadConfig - read only cached index.html pages from the global cache, instead of reading the entire cache and filtering locally. If redis is used for the global cache, it matters
  • /models and /static endpoints will use memCache instead of globalCache to store resolved file paths
5.24.27 2023-07-05 #
  • x10 speed-up of domain initialization: workaround for "Something wrong in entity JSON" exception followed by "FreeRootedValue", solved by calling gc() before each entity initialization slow down a lot. So changed to call gc() once per 10 entities

Fixed #

5.24.27 2023-07-05 #
  • ESLint's errors are resolved (mostly for old test files)

@unitybase/uba #

Added #

5.23.57 2023-07-31 #
  • added DESC index on uba_auditTrail.actionTime. Many project uses this attribute for filtering/sorting. Should not affect insertion time, since value always increased. But migration (index creation) can be slow
5.23.56 2023-07-21 #
  • Certificate issuer name added into User Certificate form

Changed #

5.23.57 2023-07-31 #
  • re-generated uba model entities stubs with latest entities definition and improved JSDoc

Fixed #

5.23.56 2023-07-21 #
  • uba_usercertificate: will insert an IssuerPublicKeyID from certificate into issuer_serial. Before for Issuer is inserted
5.23.54 2023-07-13 #
  • for UB>=5.23.7 select for uba_elsPermission and uba_session virtual entities now correctly returns totalRowCount if called with withTotal()
5.23.53 2023-07-05 #
  • ESLint's errors are resolved

@unitybase/ubcli #

Added #

5.24.27 2023-07-13 #
  • ubcl migrate: if redis is configured for session or global cache storage, ubcl migrate will flush (clear all data) for Redis database, specified in ubConfig.application.redis after executing all migrations
  • added blocking of some unpleasant user agents

Changed #

5.25.0 2023-07-18 #
  • in case applied migration SHA stored in DB nose not match file SHA - do not throw, but only put error in console
  • ub_version entity is extended by initialVersion && initializedAt attributes:
    • for new apps ubcli initialize fill both attributes by current models versions
    • for existed apps on first run after updates to 5.25 ubcli migrate will fill initialVersion by current model versions
    • in case model is added into existed app ubcli migrate fill both by current model version Migrations with version <= initialVersion will always be skipped. This allows you to add new models to an existing application
5.24.27 2023-07-13 #
  • ubcli migrate: removed turn off the schedulers from inside migrate.js - it already not started for any command-line script

Fixed #

5.25.2 2023-07-31 #
  • ubcli createCodeInsightHelper now generate entity stubs according to ESLint JSDoc requirements
  • ubcli generateDDL will not create a (sourceID, destID) primary key in case either sourceID or destID is mapped. In such cases many-to-many table is defined manually, ID used as primary key and developer should define (sourceID, destID) index manually
5.24.26 2023-07-05 #
  • ESLint's errors are resolved

@unitybase/ubm #

Fixed #

5.23.57 2023-07-05 #
  • ESLint's errors are resolved

@unitybase/ubq #

Added #

5.23.58 2023-07-13 #
  • ubq model scheduler initialization now uses memCache instead of globalCache. This allows you to run multiple instances of the scheduler in one server group.
5.23.57 2023-07-05 #
  • new ubConfig parameter application.customSettings.mailerConfig.useExternalScheduler (false by default). If true - mailQueue.queueMail will put messages into ubq_messages even in case customSettings.mailerConfig.enableScheduler is false. Can be used if mail sending job is called using external scheduler (some external message queue)

Changed #

5.23.61 2023-07-31 #
  • re-generated ubq model entities stubs with latest entities definition and improved JSDoc
5.23.58 2023-07-13 #
  • ubq model requires ub>=5.23.7

Fixed #

5.23.57 2023-07-05 #
  • ESLint's errors are resolved

@unitybase/ubs #

Changed #

5.23.59 2023-07-31 #
  • optimized ubs_numcounter.getRegnum by avoid 2 unnecessary select before update. We can safely use __skipSelectBeforeUpdate: true for ubs_numcounter because entity is not audited.

Fixed #

5.23.55 2023-07-05 #
  • ESLint's errors are resolved

@unitybase/xlsx #

Fixed #

5.23.24 2023-07-05 #
  • ESLint's errors are resolved